Monday, March 26, 2012

hungry for hunger games

I'd like to thank my teacher BFF Lauren for introducing me to the book series in the first place (I've since read it 3 times) after she had it for a grad school assignment. I also have her to thank for hosting our lovely geeky pre-movie tribute dinner. It was nothing too time consuming, we had to come home from work, stuff our faces so it wouldn't be The Hangry Games and prepare to stand in line at the theater.  For a quick fun feast though (she let us use the china and everything, so Capitol) it was something to laugh about and really made for a priceless night. She didn't want me to admit that we did this because it's maybe a tad embarrassing. Oh well.

This kind of looks ugly, but it was yum.
Favorite: a bakery baguette with goat cheese, sun dried tomato and fresh basil
Faking it: rotisserie chicken (Heinens doesn't sell squirrel)
Sweets: blackberries, hot chocolate

We were herded like animals in the theater line. People applauded. Another friend bitched out loud because of people applauding. I don't think I have to explain the plot or anything since that can be found pretty much anywhere now. We loved it. And if for nothing else, go see it for Josh Hutcherson.

Also yum.

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