Tuesday, April 10, 2012

why this year is awesome

- We might get health insurance. I cried at that news. See "boob scare" in the previous entry. Not to mention we haven't wanted to start a family without it. Not to mention HEALTH INSURANCE!

- I'm starting my third year with the incredible family who I work for as a nanny. When I began with them the little boy was three, I will call him N, young names protected just because it feels right. His little sister N (the heart shows the difference) had just turned one and was toddling around in diapers and Robeez. It didn't take long for them to steal my heart! Now this summer N will be six, N has just turned three and the two of them continue to brighten my days with astounding conversations, lots of laughter and the added enjoyment of their neighborhood friends - M and C (we'll say the heart is for girls), A, J and baby J. All of these children are incredibly well behaved, which if I get into enough stories from being a nanny over the years, you will find has not been very common. I adore the families of all of the kids. The days are exhausting, mind and body, but I definitely can't complain. This year feels like a big one though - both climbing trees, both on bicycles, both going to school in the fall - two times the worry and adventure!

- The year to get in shape. No more excuses. Running is not fun, I don't care what anyone tries to tell me. Exercise is not fun. After both though, I do feel pretty awesome. I want to be back in the shape of my life before we decide to get pregnant (and go back to square one, ha) and we both want to be happy with ourselves half-naked on the trips that we've planned...

- Traveling, finally! Jon didn't even like to talk about this a year or two back, because it was something that just wasn't in our cards. He surprised me by planning a wonderful weekend in Virginia Beach two years ago when my wanderlust spiked, but other than that, an equally short honeymoon and driving to the occasional wedding we haven't had time or money to really get away together. This year, we said to hell with it all (because sometimes it just gets to that point) and made plans to go with our best friends on a road trip across the country this summer. Fifteen states in two weeks, to California and back. Next year, hopefully the East Caribbean. Next week, Chicago. Things are happening! We have passport applications. I have a beach hat. Look out, world.

Take me away!

- Right now, everyone is happy and healthy. I have to say, unfortunately I don't always let myself enjoy this because I tend to get a lurking feeling that the next terrible thing is around the corner. I tend to get upset just thinking about things that haven't even happened yet, or remembering the feelings that we had last year and years before and how down I was. I'm working on that! Allowing myself to enjoy what's going on this year, not allowing myself to feel guilty, to worry (okay that's easier said than done - but trying!) or dwell on anything. I'm figuring myself out a little more, working on my "shell" (a lifelong process - I'm an awkward introvert/extrovert mix), working on what I'm sure is probably adult ADD, and working on not caring what other people think. I'm trying to make more time to just hang out with my parents, grandparents and brother, trying to spend a little more time with friends instead of staying in with my sweats and the Roku (still need that time too though or else I get cranky) and finally, enjoying every single day with my husband and best friend.

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